Ep. 35: Kelly Callaghan Spray Tan Class Mogul And Visionary Behind Wake Up To Level Up Podcast And Live Event Walks Us Through Fear And Gratitude And How It All Ties Into The Growth Of Your Beauty Business




Yeah, you heard me. Cut it out. You are a beauty boss. Fear can't stop you.

I know, it's easier said than done. But listen, I'm here to help you out, sister friend. Here on Pretty Rich Podcast we share the truth and only the truth and we motivate each other to be the best beauty entrepreneurs we can be. Because we're dreaming big here and not only are we dreaming big but we are ACHIEVING those dreams. Dreaming and achieving. Nothing less.

So on this episode, we have spray tan MOGUL Kelly Callaghan, and she's sharing alllll of the deets on how she as leveled up her business massively over the last year through fear and pain. Yeah, it wasn't a walk in the park for her but she didn't. She experienced shock, pain, heartbreak, and depression but she grew through it and she is thriving. And she's going to share how you can too! So buckle up and get...

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Ep. 24: Fuzion Artistry CEO Leann La On What Real Support Looks Like Among PMU Artists, Brow Artists, and Microbladers


A lot of people are scared to share their secrets and success with others when they first get into the PMU industry or when they first start to experience the success they dreamed of. It can be hard to break that scarcity mindset that makes you see everyone around you as a direct threat to your business.


I had the same thoughts when I first got into the PMU industry. I know that may seem hard to believe since I am so open and so willing to share now. I want everyone around me to succeed too. I want you to succeed too. And I believe we all can succeed.

For this episode, I brought in my good friend, another true believer in community over competition, Leann La, CEO of Fuzion Artistry, a salon she runs with her family. She's the perfect person to talk about what true support among PMU artists looks like so I'm so excited for you to listen to this episode!



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [01:55]  We start, as usual, with my get-to-know-you...

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Ep. 19: The People Who Hurt You Are Not Coming Back To Heal You. You Have To Do That Yourself.


The people who hurt you are not coming back to heal you. You have to do that yourself.


I have to repeat myself because I want to make sure you're really hearing that. Maybe repeat it to yourself a few times. It's hard to know that the responsibility to heal is all on you. It's hard to be like "but they hurt me. They're the ones that did it. Isn't it their job to fix it?"

Healing is hard and that's why I really want to talk about it in this episode. The new year can make it feel like you can just shove everything that happened in the past in a little box and put it in the back of your closet, cover it up with new clothes and shoes and just completely forget about it. But if you do that you haven't healed from it yet. And you're just going to end up uncovering that box and having to deal with it at a later date. And it won't be pretty.

Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [03:24]  I want to start off talking about how great the new year always...

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Ep. 16: How To Be Friends With Successful People


If you want to BE successful you have to SURROUND yourself with OTHER successful people.


We've all heard that saying before, right? You're are the sum of the five people you're closest to, the five people you surround yourself with. So if you're not surrounding yourself with other successful people, how are you going to be successful?

I know making new friends can seem hard especially as an adult. But in this episode, I'm going to teach you how to be friends with successful people. This isn't just making cheap connections with successful people and hoping they'll lead you to success - no. This is making real, lasting, meaningful relationships with successful people so that their energy can in turn motivate you to reach your full potential, and you can motivate them as well.

Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [05:08]  Okay let's talk about that girl that you REALLY want to be friends with. That girl that you're like ugh if we had a PMU...

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Ep. 13: Doubt Your Doubts, How To Be Sure Of Anything In Business, Relationships, Even Religion. Celebrity Microblading Artist And Permanent Makeup Marketing Strategist Sheila Bella Explains Her Philosophy On Confidence VS Clarity




Or relationship. Or religion. Or anything really.

I know it might be a controversial philosophy but I have really found that the more I acknowledge the doubts that I have, pay attention to them identify them, dive into them, and really look into them, the more success I find in my business.

What is really detrimental to your success is just flying by faking your confidence and just hoping it will all go well, despite all of the little sirens going off in your head that are really telling you to slow down and be considerate and intentional with how you strive for success. Do you get what I'm saying?

Doubts are what keep us in check and make sure we're not just flying by the seat of our pants all of the time. You can't succeed if you're not intentional, right, girl?

Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [01:28]  I'll come right out and say...

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Ep. 12: Signs You May Not Be Living In Alignment With Your Soul Plus Tips On How To Break Out Of Indecisiveness And Live Your Best Life


Do you find yourself questioning your every move, unsure of where to go next, overwhelmed with all of the possibilities, or frozen by the fear of making mistakes?


Well, I'm here to tell you that these may all be signs that you are NOT living in alignment with your soul. I know that might sound super alarming but this is an easy fix!

Once you're aware of all of the signs that you're not living in alignment with your soul, you become more in tune with your intuition, so you'll know INSTANTLY when what you're doing is wrong and you can adjust. It takes some practice but it will help you break out of your indecisiveness and you'll be on the right path to living your best life.

Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [04:30]  Number one: you're asking EVERYONE for their opinion on what you should do.

‣‣  [06:09]  Number two: your gut is trying its best to tell you something and you're probably just not listening to it.

‣‣  [07:26] ...

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Ep. 11: Be Who You Needed 10 Years Ago With Shay Danielle, Shauna McGrath, and Violet Tarabay All Permanent Makeup Artist, Microbladers, and Ombre Brow Masters


Think back to the lowest point in your life. I know you might not like to go back there often, but really think about it. Do you remember what you really wanted at that point? Do you remember the person you just wanted to come in and lift you out of that place?


We've all been there and we've all wanted someone to rescue us. But I'm here to tell you that that person is you. The person that saves you is you because you are truly the only person that you can rely on to be there all the time.

Now, I have a lot of people in my life that I love and who have supported me through some of the hardest moments of my life but I still know that the one person who will save me when I need it most is me.

So what I want to encourage you to do is look back at who you needed when you were younger and then think about the person you are now. Do you see any similarities? The way that we can truly improve our own lives and the lives of those around us is by being the people we...

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Ep. 10: The Rise Of Danette May. How She Went From Broke To 8 Figures And From Suicidal To A Life Full Of Gratitude And Abundance.


Have you ever read a book before that hit you so hard it left a permanent imprint on your life? A book that was so good that it altered your life forever?


Listen, I've read a lot of good books, okay? Well, actually, I'm more of an audiobook gal but the point is there are a lot of books that have been really meaningful for me. But no book has really changed my life as much as The Rise: An Unforgettable Journey of Self-Love, Forgiveness, and Transformation by Danette May. And I'm so excited because for this episode we actually got to talk to Danette May, real life.

In her book, Danette lays out a lot of hard-hitting truths and having her on this episode of the podcast allowed us to dive deep into some of those truths.


Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [08:39]   We start off with the Fat Penguin Five - rapid-fire get-to-know-you questions. Danette talks about her favorite book, gratitude, and managing expectations.

‣‣ ...

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Ep. 9: Part 2 - Mistakes I Made My First Million Dollars In The Beauty Industry As A Microblader And Permanent Makeup Artist


So I made my first million dollars - easy, right?


Can you hear me laughing through your screen? No - there was nothing easy about reaching this million-dollar milestone. I struggled a lot in my career as a microblader and permanent makeup artist and learned a lot. I'm still learning things. You never really stop, you know? We will always make mistakes but it's the fact that we LEARN from these mistakes that really makes the difference.

I already shared part one of this list of mistakes I've made, so if you haven't listened to the first half, go ahead. Now let's talk about the last 5 mistakes I made while making my first million dollars in the beauty industry.

Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [01:45]  Mistake #6 - not making friends in the industry soon enough.

‣‣  [05:37]  Mistake #7 - thinking that as soon as you hit that next milestone your problems will all be solved.

‣‣  [08:27]  Mistake #8 - not promoting my product...

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Ep. 8: How To Overcome Even The Darkest Of Times With Positive Psychologist And Global Success Coach Niyc Pigeon A True Boss Babe Leader


Warning For Mention Of Sexual Assault



This podcast is such a treasure to me because I get to speak to the most groundbreaking women who share their incredible stories and oftentimes their lowest, most vulnerable moments with me that not only change my life and my perspective on things but they also in turn inspire you.

In this episode, Anthea and I talk to positive psychologist and global success coach, Niyc Pigeon. We cover so many insightful subjects in this episode like Niyc's philosophy on life, helping others find their greatness, being a positive psychologist, and how positive psychology helped her overcome some of the lowest, darkest times of her life, including her rape.


Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [09:27]   First, we hit Niyc with our Fat Penguin Five - the ice breaker game. We cover Starbucks orders, book recommendations, and gratitude.

‣‣  [13:43]  If you know me, you know one of my Big...

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